
      Tangrams are a type of rearrangement puzzle common in early Chinese history.  While we enjoy these puzzles as mere recreation they concepts involved in their design have their roots in mathematics.  The basic tangram design divides a large square into seven smaller shapes and, in doing so, was used as a proof of the Pythagorean Theorem.

      I became interested in tangrams for two reasons: they look like interesting puzzles and I thought they might make enjoyable woodworking projects.  I also bought a book called The Tangram Book by Jerry Slocum which is where I did most of my initial reading about these puzzles.  I highly recommend this book!

      Here is a drawing of the "basic" tangram design:
      (Click for larger image)

Basic Tangram: square divided into seven smaller forms.

      And here is a drawing of the basic tangram square design with two smaller squares below it.  These squares are made by rearranging the seven shapes contained in the original larger square:
(Click for larger image)

Basic Tangram: large square and two smaller squares.

       Now, on to some puzzle fun.  The puzzles are silhouettes of designs or patterns.  Your goal is to rearrange the pieces to match the puzzle shape.  The rules are pretty simple.  To make the figures, you must use all the puzzle pieces and they must not overlap.  You'll be surprised at how difficult it can be to make figures that would appear to be very simple.

       Many of the early puzzles were made to look like people or animals.  I've recreated some of them below showing both the silhouette and the "answer" where you can see how the pieces were arranged.  (You can click on the images to see larger versions.)

Figure created by the seven pieces (tan) of the tangram square.       Figure created by the seven pieces (tan) of the tangram square.

Figure created by the seven pieces (tan) of the tangram square.       Figure created by the seven pieces (tan) of the tangram square.

Figure created by the seven pieces (tan) of the tangram square.       Figure created by the seven pieces (tan) of the tangram square.

Figure created by the seven pieces (tan) of the tangram square.       Figure created by the seven pieces (tan) of the tangram square.

Figure created by the seven pieces (tan) of the tangram square.       Figure created by the seven pieces (tan) of the tangram square.

      Of course there are thousands of puzzles that can be made using these same seven pieces.  Again, read Jerry Slocum's book for more information.  This page is merely to declare my interest in these puzzles.  I'm also looking forward to making some sets of these in wood (how elaborate remains to be seen) and when those are finished I'll add some photos here.  Until then, thanks for visiting!

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