My Favorite Movies

      This section of my website is a tribute to my favorite movies.  All of the movie titles are links to additional pages, but the titles in the first group of films (my overall favorites) connect to pages with in-depth information and photos about each film.  Most of the rest of the titles below are links only to movie posters and/or photos.

      One interesting thing I noticed while creating this page is the interesting variety of movie posters that is used to advertise these movies in other countries.  I have included many of these foreign posters simply for the variety in the artwork.

      Many of the movies below fit into several categories and in some cases I have listed movies in more than one.  However, for the most part, I think it would be too distracting to try to list every movie in every possible category to which it may belong, so I have listed the movies in what I believe to be their primary category and maybe one additional category.

      The different categories of movies are listed below.  You can use those links to take you directly to those movie categories, or you can simply scroll down the page.  Enjoy!

Movie Categories:

Favorite Movies of All Time

Favorite Action Movies

Favorite Western Movies

Favorite Dramatic Movies

Favorite Romantic Movies

Favorite Comedy Movies

Favorite Mystery/Suspense Movies

Favorite Military Movies

Favorite Musical Movies (Traditional)

Favorite Musical Movies (Non-Traditional)

Favorite Police/Detective Movies

Favorite Espionage Movies

Favorite Sports Movies

Favorite Martial Arts Movies

Favorite Science Fiction Movies

Favorite Documentaries

Favorites By Year
      Although many of these movies didn't make it into my lists of Favorites above, they are still my favorite films from each calendar year.

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